How Retirement Outlooks Differ for Retirees & Pre-Retirees [Infographic]

by Mark Stewart

Updated March 11, 2024, at 10:28 AM

Pre-retirees and retirees seem to have totally different outlooks on retirement and how they perceive their given situations.

The data shown in the infographic below comes to us from Gallup’s annual Economy and Personal Finance survey, and the results are a bit shocking.

Not only do pre-retirees have a more grim outlook on living comfortably in retirement, but they’re also less optimistic about having Social Security or employer-sponsored pensions to fall back on for retirement income.

Let’s dive into the numbers behind the retirement expectations for non-retirees compared to their retired counterparts. The numbers send a message of why it’s imperative to find the best retirement income solutions for your clients still in the workforce today, with pre-retirees reporting less confidence in their golden years.

Keep Reading: 10 Pieces of Retirement Planning Advice Retirees Wish They Had Known Sooner

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